What Does 0 and 1 Mean for Your Oral Health?

If you've ever been to the dentist, you may have heard the terms 'code 0' and 'code 1' used. But what do these codes mean?Code 0 indicates healthy gums with no bleeding when probed, and no stones or gingival pockets of less than 3.5 mm. Code 1 means there is minor bleeding when probed, but still no stones or gingival pockets of less than 3.5 mm. Code 2 indicates minor bleeding when probed, as well as the presence of stones or plaque and gingival pockets of less than 3.5 mm. If you hear codes 0 or 1, it's a sign that your oral health is in good condition.

The British Periodontics Society provides excellent information to help you keep your gums healthy.

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