What Does a Dentist Do?

Dentists are responsible for diagnosing and treating dental issues, as well as helping patients develop better oral hygiene habits. They clean teeth, correct bite problems, perform surgeries and extractions, and carry out other tasks to ensure that the teeth and mouth are healthy.


diagnose, treat, prevent, and control disorders of the teeth and mouth. They can work in private offices or be employed in hospitals, clinics, public health centers, or universities. The type of dental treatment you'll need in the dental office will depend on the condition of your teeth.

There are several different problems that can cause a toothache that requires work. The first step any dentist will take is an oral exam and a complete set of dental x-rays. The oral exam involves examining the patient's mouth to identify the problem. After that, a full series of x-rays will be taken, which provide an image of the inside of the teeth.

After these two dental procedures, the dentist will sit down with the patient and discuss what type of dental treatment should be performed. Nowadays, dentists have a much broader scope of work than ever before. They have the skills, training and experience to understand how the health of your teeth, gums and mouth relates to your overall health. Dentists diagnose, treat, and prevent mouth disorders. They can work in private offices or may be employed in hospitals, clinics, public health centers, or universities.

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